Sustainable Green High-Rise with Corporate Headquarter Offices featuring interconnecting open terraces, Retail, Mall, Restaurants, Coffe-shops and semi-private high-end Luxury Hotel, with Spa, Clubs, Lunges, Wellness club, and Helicopter Landing

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Shouang office tower - Sustainable Green High-Rise

Sustainable Green High-Rise with Corporate Headquarter Offices featuring interconnecting open terraces, Retail, Mall, Restaurants, Coffe-shops and semi-private high-end Luxury Hotel, with Spa, Clubs, Lunges, Wellness club, and Helicopter Landing

  • Clients: Shouang Inc. Beijing
  • Completion: September 19th, 2015
  • Project Type: High-Rise, Office, Retail, Hospitality
  • Architects: Hordor Design Group, Santi Maggio Savasta Architects